Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Top 5 Favorite Deep fryer Recipes

Even though I absolutely love fried foods, I really try to not use my Presto Deep fryer too frequently. I know fried foods are not good for me, but it is nice to have them on occasion as a treat. So what fried foods do I fix when I am going all out and having an artery clogging treat? (Links to recipes below)

  1. Crispy Fried Pickles - these are my favorite fried food, honestly I could eat them every day.
  2. Homestyle Potato Chips - just some thinly sliced potatoes seasoned how you like them, fried to a crispy goodness.
  3. Fried Green Tomatoes - the recipe I found online is for a skillet, but I get my tomatoes ready and use the deep fryer to cook them.
  4. Deep Fried Oreos - These are just way over the top artery clogging, but so good.
  5. Deep Fried Chicken Pieces - these are a great dinner side, or sprinkled on top of a salad.
I've also recently found a link that has 101 deep fryer recipes, I obviously haven't had time to try them all, but thought I'd share the link here in case anyone else is interested in fixing up some stuff in their deep fryers.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Preparations for Canning

My live-in girlfriend and I have started a small garden this year, in the hopes of having fresh produce in abundance in the fall. We also want to try our hand at canning. I remember my grandmother canning foods from her garden when I was a boy and I want to carry on the tradition.

So I've done a bit of research on various canners. We were going to purchase a waterbath and a pressure canner separately, but from what I understand, you can use a pressure canner to waterbath can as well, just don't turn the lid so it cannot build up pressure.

While reading about all the different canners that are out there on the market, I came across one called an All American Canner. From what I've read, this is the best of the best. However, it is a bit pricey. So, not knowing if we are going to want to continue this year after year, we decided to invest in another canner that I've heard good things about. A Presto brand canner. (to peruse a variety of brands of canner visit Pressure Canners)

I'm hoping we have good results with the Presto. I'm waiting for it to arrive, we ordered it yesterday. I'd love to hear about other's experiences using the Presto canner. I'll keep you updated on our canning adventures.

Below is the canner we are waiting for:

Presto Canner